Monika George

is an aura photographer, tarot reader, certified sound healing practitioner + aromatherapist, astrologer, and intuitive currently splitting her time between Phoenix and Los Angeles. Monika’s psychic ability is channeled through her aura and tarot readings as well as through her art, writing and astrological insights.

Monika grew up with a cosmic mindset and has been studying astrology and energy work since she was old enough to read the many books her mother kept on the subjects. Monika believes the more you understand the story the planets and stars have written for you, the more you can connect to acting with intention.

Monika’s great-grandmother was known in her village in Poland for her readings and this ancestral magic handed down through generations of women in her family is a huge aspect of what informs her own magic. In the past year Monika has furthered her knowledge in sound healing by completing an advanced program with The Sacred Science of Sound.

Monika can perceive auric radiances which surround the body of human beings and radiate colors signifying differing vibrations/meanings. Monika uses her intuitive perception along with a unique camera called the Aura Cam 6000 to give full and comprehensive insight into your emotional-energetic and spiritual state of being to help you gain spiritual awareness. Seeing your own aura is a very profound experience, clients will come away with a polaroid representation of their human energy field and a better understanding of their own auric radiance.

Monika has been reading tarot for 16 years, 7 years of which were dedicated to studying and perfecting her personal tarot practice before reading for friends and eventually clients. ‘Cosmic Hour’ tarot readings focus on creating a sacred space for connecting to intuition, visualization of your highest-self, and harnessing energies around you for empowerment, healing and self-care. Tarot clients will receive both practical and intuitive advice and be assigned spiritual homework consisting of rituals, affirmations or visualizations to help them grow, transform, process, heal and honor their highest-self.

Look out for aura, tarot and intuitive workshops Monika is developing that will be available later this year. She is also expanding her knowledge in energy work and astrology through various certification programs. Please reach out to for collaborations or any questions about Monika, tarot, aura, astrology or her spiritual practice. 


Voyager Phoenix, June 2019 Read Here

Appearance on Fox 10 News - July 2019

WASTOIDS ‘Halloween Special’ - October 2021

Feature in Phoenix Magazine - November 2021


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